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Brand new for the 2023 Winter Kayak Series
Southern Lakes Multisport Club Introduces:


We have noticed a distinct drop off of our 'old guard' of familiar faces at our Winter Series Races, and in an attempt to attract some of you awesome buggers back, we have a new challenge: dust off your kayak, join us for the Winter Series races, and you're in the running to win the inaugural Old Dogs Trophy - an epic and coveted prize which includes having SLMC donate $500 in your name, to your charity of choice, some sort of very desirable tongue-in-cheek trophy, and quite possibly some beer.


Old Dog Trophy contenders can be self nominated, or you can nominate a friend.

Eligibility criteria includes, but is not limited to:

- your first mountain bike lacked suspension

- you competed in the Gold Rush

- you downed a Speights in Sumner

- you Southern Traversed

- you raced the Waimak without a rudder


There is no age limit for nominations - some Old Dogs are richer in years than others, but its your richness of experience that the Club really misses. Come back to us. Share your knowledge with the new, fresh faced, and stary eyed multisporters. Enjoy some excellent winter paddling. Banter, nostalgia and revival of old competitive rivalries is heavily encouraged.


SLMC reserves the right to shoulder tap anyone considered to be an awesome old dog.

All you have to do is decide which worthy cause you will donate to, where you will display your trophy, which of your adventure mates you will peer-pressure into joining you...oh and turn up and paddle.


First race is in Frankton on June 11 - Enter Here


Use this form to nominate yourself, or nominate a mate for the Old Dogs Trophy

I am nominating:
Thanks for your nomination.

© 2024 Southern Lakes Multisport Club

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